Page postée le 10 / 01 / 2016
hey guys
If you're still reading it, thank you for sticking with this webcomic. I know the pace's been absurdly slow this year, due to more or less stressful shit happening in my life + also many good things but all of them pretty time-consuming in their own ways.
Again, I have no plan to drop this project anytime soon, believe it or not. I'm just trying to adjust to the various changes that keep happening in my life and proving rather untalented at it :/. The fact that my only functional way of dealing l with any kind of stress is to turn into a mild case of workaholism isn't helping my hobbies either. Last but not least, since comicking demands a lot of efforts from me, when I do have time and energy for anything else than work I tend to indulge in more relaxing hobbies such as making photostories with my dolls...
THUS THE SCARCE UPDATES. But I don't give up. Whenever I can, I'll keep working on this little webcomic of mine, and happily share it with you :).
Website's move + new version of old pages
As planned a few days ago, the website's moved on a new CMS. Seems like everything went more or less seamlessly but as stated in the PA, I had to put some extra content to fill the folder at the same point as it was before, so that the ComicRocket crawlers wouldn't be too upset (maybe they're upset anyway, haha... we'll see.)
If you were following this comic using the RSS feed, now's the time to update it !
Since I had to reupload everything, I caught this opportunity to upload newer versions of pages 1 to 84. There's not much change between this new version and the last, but some of the panels have better art ; hopefully I fixed the worst cringe-worthy details of the drawings.
Page 145 is online today ! I'll try to draw the next ones faster... but my dayjob is still getting the most of my energy. I'll do my best !
A huge thank you to all the readers who are still interested in this story !
Happy new year to everyone ^^ !
Possible issues with the website in the next few days
Chances are I won't be able to update the news or the comic pages in the next few days so just to be safe, I'm writing this short FAQ in case the website's moving doesn't go as seamlessly as I hope it will.
As I explained in the latest author's comment, I'm moving this website. The website's url will remain the same but the url for each page will not, so there might be some issues relating to this.
1) RSS feed will not function anymore
This is something that I know will happen since the pages' url will change. Please wait for the completion of the site's migration (I will announce it when it's done) and subscribe to the new RSS feed then .
2) The site may look a bit weird
I'll try to copy the design of the current site as closely as possible but some minor changes will certainly occur. Some secondary pages like the characters page may remain offline for a while.
3) You won't see the "alt texts" anymore, nor the pages comments.
That's normal, because in the new version, these functions are inactive atm. It's a bit sad but it's also less work for me, and less work on the website means more time to draw, so all in all it's not a huge drawback.
4) MAYBE the comic rocket referencement won't work anymore (?!!????!?)
Honestly I have no clue if it will continue to work or not . I sure hope it will because it seems like the majority of you guys come from this aggregator. If it doesn't, well... please don't forget about my little comic, come by from time to time, ok
Just so you know, my tumblr is still "active" (I mean, as active as it can be, given my overall lack of productivity, haha... )
I'll keep on posting everything relating to this moving and the comic updates there. The ask box is open, so if you have questions or remarks you can send them to me there too .
Stay tuned !